There are three options for paying your rent: you can pay online through your AppFolio online portal, drop off your check/money order to one of our offices, or mail your check/money order.
To pay your rent through your AppFolio online portal:
When using your online portal to pay rent, there will be a processing fee, which differs based on the type of payment. Debit and credit card payments are accepted through the online portal only—they will not be accepted at our offices.
Need help with your online portal? Watch the video below!
You may also choose to use a check or money order to pay your rent. You can either mail this to the proper office for your location, drop off the check during our office hours, or use one of our after-hours drop boxes (where applicable!).
Checks should be made payable to the proper payee, which is stated in Section 1.1 of your lease. They should not be made out to MiddleTown Living.
Please note: If you are NOT on a MiddleTown Property Group lease, the proper payee should have been included in your onboarding letter. If you no longer have access to that information, please reach out to our office for the correct payee.
If you choose to mail in your payment, you will be responsible for ensuring that the payment arrives before the due date. Late fees will be applied if the payment arrives after the due date stated on your lease. Please check your specific lease for the date in which rent must be paid before late fees are added. Your lease can be found on your AppFolio online portal, or you can request a copy from the proper office.
Having trouble paying your rent through one of our methods? You can contact our offices for assistance. Call 765-289-7618, select the option for your location, then select the option for current residents.
You can also email your questions or concerns to
Resident Services Office:
1709 N Walnut St, Muncie, Ind.
Leasing Office:
1717 N Walnut St, Muncie, Ind.
Muncie Offices: Mon - Fri: 10 AM - 7 PM
Sat: 9 AM - 6 PM (Leasing only)
(765) 289-7618
Leasing Inquiries
Resident Inquiries
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MiddleTown Living is a division
MiddleTown Property Group